A Series of Unfortunate Events

One simple act; that’s all is started out as.  Taking the dog to the dog wash. A new to us location; it had several factors that made it inviting to check out. Then again, if you think about our fur baby, you realize that this is not a “simple act”.

He is 50 pounds of pure muscle packed into a body that doesn’t even come up to your knees.  We don’t know much about his past life as we adopted him;we  do know that he is deaf. If you can picture Autism in a dog…..this is our Boss.

He loves car rides!  Show him keys and an open door, he’s ready to go.  If we had the Jetson’s car with a 360 degree window, he would be in love and I would not feel so pounced on.  You must, MUST have windows down!  You will have him on a leash as well, for his safety and your peace of mind.

That may be your only peace, after that he is a bundle of energy that wants to check anything, everything, and everyone out.  If you are the one holding the leash, you now have a task that resembles stopping a runaway horse while sitting still.

My oldest Aspie son was driving; he will be the first to admit that he is topographically challenged.  His girlfriend was sitting in the passenger seat. She is also challenged in this same way. If they ever go on a road trip together, there will be hourly check ins along with tracking. LOL

I volunteered to sit in the back seat of my son’s 4 door Ford Focus with the dog, the leash, the windows. A soda cup from earlier was left in the cupholder plus my phone was charging up front. I thought we were prepared.

We were not even out of the driveway and Boss was already scoping everything out.  First the back window, then both back seat windows, now to the front.  He stepped on my phone without an issue but M was worried what his weight would do if he stepped on it again.  So he moved to the soda cup, asking if I’d want it.  He noticed after that, Boss had poked hole in it.  The answer became a definite no.  Now, remember, I am the wrestling with the 50 pounds of mass joyfully promenading around waving his jowls at any driver that passes us on either side of the car. I cannot see the front seat, especially in the dark.

It was not until 15 minutes later, halfway to or destination, that M’s girlfriend realized my phone was “wet”.  That, my dear people, was an understatement.  Remember that empty soda cup?  Yes, you have it right.  It became empty once the hole was created and all that glorious liquid poured itself into the newly formed Ford Reservoir where it was held safely by the preformed rubber walls.

Ahhh….it died a glorious death.  Well…maybe not totally.  We were able to resurrect it enough (thankully) to get all information off and do factory reset before sending it back.  My plus to all of this is that the replacement thru Asurion was actually an upgrade.

Dog is clean; so is the cupholder.  Phone is replaced and we’re back to our definition of normal……whatever that may be.  LOL

Hopes & Dreams




Most people start out with a thought. That thought becomes a dream  Once the ream becomes reality, there is hope that it will succeed to some level.  That level, of course, depends on how much effort you put in.  For some of us, life gets in the way and takes over and the dream stumbles. It takes a back seat to what has to be done now.

As you can see by my blog, life has been busy.  Once the boys graduated, I thought I would have “all” this free time on my hands to relax and finally “do for me”.   That was my first mistake.  There were several more mistakes to follow, some self-induced. If we didn’t make mistakes, how could we learn (or have fun)??

It’s only been recently that several friends that, after finding out I have one, have encouraged me to get it back going.  So, here I am. Setting a new goal.  Hoping to balance some stories, some laughter, hopefully not too many tears, and links to stories that we’ve been able to share with others.

This is my continuing story as living in a life with children on the Spectrum (Autism/Asperger’s).